Integration Tests with GitHub Service Containers
A tutorial on running integrations tests with dependencies in Github Actions workflows.
Not so long ago we published an article about using Testcontainers for emulating external dependencies such as a database and cache for the purpose of backend integration tests. The article also explains the different ways of running the integration tests, environment scaffolding and their pros and cons.
In this post we want to show another alternative in case you use GitHub Actions as your CI platform, which became the most popular CI/CD solution at the moment.
It’s called Service Containers, and we realised that, unfortunately, not so many developers are aware of it.
In this hands-on tutorial we want to demonstrate how to create a GitHub Actions workflow for integration tests with external dependencies (MongoDB and Redis), using the demo Go application we wrote previously, as well as review the pros and cons of GitHub Service Containers.
What are Service Containers?
Service Containers are Docker containers that offer a simple and portable way to host dependencies like databases (MongoDB in our example), web services, or caching systems (Redis in our example) that your application needs within a workflow. This article focuses on integration tests, however there are many other possible applications. Service containers can also be used to run supporting tools required by your workflow, such as code analysis tools, linters, or security scanners.
Why not Docker Compose?
Sounds similar to services in Docker Compose, right? Because it is.
However, while you could technically use Docker Compose within a GitHub Actions workflow by installing Docker Compose and running the docker-compose up, service containers provide a more integrated and streamlined approach specifically designed for the GitHub Actions environment.
Also, while they are similar, they solve different purpose.
Docker Compose is good when you need to manage a multi-container application on your local machine or a single server. best suited for long-living environments.
Service Containers are ephemeral and exist only for the duration of a workflow run, and defined directly within your GitHub Actions workflow file.
Also, the feature set of service containers (at least as of now) is more limited compared to Docker Compose, so be ready to discover some potential bottlenecks, we will cover some of them at the end of this article.
Job runtime
You can run GitHub jobs directly on a runner machine or in a Docker container (by specifying container property). The second option simplifies the access to your services by using labels you defined in the services section.
Run directly on a runner machine.
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:7.0-ubi8
- 27017:27017
- run: |
echo "addr"
Or run in a container (Chainguard Go Image in our case):
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:7.0-ubi8
- 27017:27017
- run: |
echo "addr mongo:27017"
You can also omit the host port, so the container port will be randomly assigned to a free port on the host. You can then access the port using the variable.
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:7.0-ubi8
- 27017/tcp
- run: |
echo "addr mongo:${{['27017'] }}"
Readiness Healthcheck
Prior to running the job steps that connect to our provisioned containers we sometimes need to make sure that the services are ready. It’s possible to do so by specifying docker create options such as health-cmd.
This is very important, otherwise the services may not be ready when we start accessing them in the steps section.
In a case of MongoDB and Redis these will be:
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:7.0-ubi8
- 27017/27017
options: >-
--health-cmd "echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh mongodb://localhost:27017/test --quiet"
--health-interval 5s
--health-timeout 10s
--health-retries 10
image: redis:7
- 6379:6379
options: >-
--health-cmd "redis-cli ping"
--health-interval 5s
--health-timeout 10s
--health-retries 10
Private Container Registries
In our example we use public images from Dockerhub, however it’s possible to use private images as well and pass the credentials:
username: ${{ secrets.registry_username }}
password: ${{ secrets.registry_token }}
Sharing data between services
You can use volumes to share data between services or other steps in a job. You can specify named Docker volumes, anonymous Docker volumes, or bind mounts on the host. However, it’s not directly possible to mount the source code as a container volume. Open discussion
- /src/dir:/dst/dir
Golang Integration Tests
Now as we can provision our external dependencies, let’s have a look at how to run our integration tests in Go. We will do it in the steps section of our workflow file.
We will run our tests in a container which uses Chainguard Go image, which means we don’t have to install/setup Go. In case you want to run your tests directly on a runner machine, you need to use setup-go Action.
You can find the full source code with tests and this workflow here.
name: "integration-tests"
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
MONGO_URI: mongodb://mongo:27017
REDIS_URI: redis://redis:6379
image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:7.0-ubi8
- 27017:27017
options: >-
--health-cmd "echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh mongodb://localhost:27017/test --quiet"
--health-interval 5s
--health-timeout 10s
--health-retries 10
image: redis:7
- 6379:6379
options: >-
--health-cmd "redis-cli ping"
--health-interval 5s
--health-timeout 10s
--health-retries 10
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download dependencies
run: go mod download
- name: Run Integration Tests
run: go test -tags=integration -timeout=120s -v ./...
To summarize:
We run our job in a container with Go (container)
We spin up 2 services: MongoDB and Redis (services)
We configure healthchecks to make sure our services are “Healthy” when we run the tests (options)
Standard code checkout
Run the Go tests
Once the Action is completed (it took ~1 min for this example), all the services will be stopped and orphaned so we don’t need to worry about that.
Personal Experience & Limitations
We’ve been using service containers for running backend integration tests at BINARLY for some time, and they work great. However, the initial workflow creation took some time and we encountered the following bottlenecks:
It’s not possible to override or run custom command in an action service container (as you would do in Docker Compose using command property). Open pull request
It’s not directly possible to mount the source code as a container volume. Open discussion
GitHub service containers is a great option to scaffold the ephemeral testing environment by configuring it directly in your GitHub workflow. With configuration somehow similar to Docker Compose it’s easy to run any containerised application and to communication with it in your pipeline, making sure that GitHub runners take care of shutting everything down upon completion.
If you use Github Actions, this approach works extremely well as it is specifically designed for the GitHub Actions environment.
Current constraints are pretty limiting though. For self-hosted runners I would stick with docker compose (or k8s) even for single container apps since managing config is just easier. Also docker compose is platform independent so not coupled to one CI solution, especially where an org might use multiple variants (pretty common).
Nice article! Never tried this out, where do you see benefits in comparison to testcontainers?